Veal Loin

Things What is rack of veal ? Rack of veal is a food of animal origin made from muscle meat and bones . From a nutritional point of view, the rack of veal is placed in the 1st fundamental group of foods – foods rich in proteins with high biological value , specific vitamins and minerals ; It also provides cholesterol and saturated fats in medium concentrations. In-depth analysis By calf we mean the immature male specimen…


What is Carpaccio In common language, carpaccio means a recipe based on raw meat ( beef or horse ), lean and poor in connective tissue , cut very thin or beaten to a thickness of about one millimetre; associated seasoning and garnish vary based on the individual recipe. However, today carpaccio is not considered just a recipe, but a cutting method. In fact, the word carpaccio – which means…

Lean Meats

What are Lean meats are foods generally used as a dish, with frequency of consumption varying based on family culture, nutritional needs and individual tastes . The classification between lean meats and fatty meats derives from the percentage of fat they contain (g L/100g of edible part). Lean meats contain a maximum of 5% lipids , while fatty meats contain them in percentages higher than 5% up…

Red Meat and Health: Dangers of Red Meat

The dangers induced by excess red meat in the diet are directly proportional to the abuse of its consumption. A frequency of two or three portions of meat per week does not appear to contribute to the pathogenesis of any disease, provided that the entire diet is balanced and the cooking methods are suitable. Cardiovascular diseases Although with a certain variability in the…

Kobe Meat: Nutrition, Diet and Cooking

Things Kobe meat (神戸ビーフ or Kōbe bīfu ) is a prized animal-based food. More precisely, it is the meat obtained from the slaughter of a typically oriental cattle breed, part of the Tajima strain – Japanese black cattle – and raised in the Hyōgo prefecture. Other names used for this product are: Kobe niku (神戸肉, “Kobe meat“), Kobe-gyu (神戸牛) or…

Pheasant and Pheasant Meat

Generality Pheasant is the common name given tovarious species of birds belonging to the Phasianidae family (order Galliformes ); in particular, the “common Italian” pheasant belongs to the genus Phasianus , species P. colchicus . The pheasant is a bird native to the Far East (Black Sea area), imported by the Romans throughout Western Europe only in 500 AD. To tell the truth, the…

Chicken and Chicken Meat

Generality Chicken meat is considered one of the leanest and healthiest foods of animal origin. In reality – although it is undoubtedly a product with a medium-low lipid content – as with all other foods obtained from slaughter, the presence of fat is variable in chicken meat too ; this variability is linked to the cut, processing, breeding method, age, sex and subjective characteristics of…


Beef Beef is a herbivorous animal that belongs to the Genus Bos , Subgenus Bos , Species Taurus ; the binomial nomenclature of beef is Bos taurus and there are various subspecies and breeds (see table).   Dairy breeds Italian Italian Friesian, Italian Brown Foreign Black Pied Friesian, Brown Alpine, Ayrshire, Jersey Meat breeds Italian Chianina, Marchigiana, Romagnola Foreign Charolaise, Limousine, Blonde d’Aquitaine, Aberdeen angus, Hereford…

Rabbit Meat

Generality The rabbit is a burrowing mammalian creature belonging to the Leporidae family and the Oryctolagus (European) or Sylvilagus (American) genus. The binomial nomenclature of the European rabbit (the most widespread in Italy) is Oryctolagus cuniculus. The term “rabbit” refers to a vast range of wild creatures or those intended for breeding (for fur or for human consumption ); the European and the American ones are…

Duck – Duck Meat

“Duck” is a generic term which groups together numerous species (and breeds) belonging to different genera, grouped within the Anatidae family (Order: Anseriformes). Ducks can be wild or domestic, migratory or stationary, lacustrine or marine, predominantly carnivorous ( fish , molluscs , crustaceans , insects , worms ) or herbivorous. As can be deduced, there is considerable variability between the various types of duck and this…