
The term coconut biscuits refers to all dry pastry desserts produced with the pulp of the fresh fruit or its derivatives ( coconut flour , coconut milk , coconut oil ).

Generally cooked, coconut biscuits can be simple (only three ingredients) or characterized by a much more complex formula.
Some recipes are quick and easy , others more difficult and elaborate. Some contain ingredients of animal origin, while some meet the criteria of the vegan or even raw food diet (although in the latter case it would be better to talk about sweets rather than biscuits).
Due to the chemical nature of the ingredients, coconut biscuits are generally high-calorie and rich in fat; the percentage of sugars varies based on whether sucrose / fructose is added or not .

Coconut Biscuits Without Butter – Christmas Biscuits


The coconut is the fruit of the Cocos nucifera or coconut palm plant.
It has an oval shape, weighing approximately 1.0kg.
The edible portion of the coconut is the pulp, contained within the woody endocarp (commonly called the shell). This is not made up of an almond or kernels, as happens with oil seeds , but of a real internal covering of a fleshy consistency.
In the unripe fruit, the internal water, contained centrally in the nut, is mainly consumed. This has the function of nourishing the pulp and allowing the fruit to ripen; once the process is finished it is completely absorbed by the walnut.
In addition to the fresh pulp and water, the following can be obtained from coconut:

  • Flour : squeezed , dried and grated pulp.
  • Flakes: pulp squeezed, dried and reduced into small sheets.
  •  Fatty milk : the result of squeezing the pulp.
  • Low-fat milk : the result of squeezing without the fat component .
  • Coconut drink: composed of milk and ground pulp.
  • Oil: separated fat portion of milk.
  • Margarine : hydrogenated oil .

Nutritional aspects

The nutritional characteristics of coconut biscuits cannot be summarized in a few lines, as they vary greatly depending on the recipe.
In fact, some formulas involve the use of shredded fresh coconut , others of coconut flour or flakes; it is not uncommon for people to add coconut oil instead of butter or other fats (if present). The most digestible
and least caloric recipe for coconut biscuits is the one proposed by Alice in this video: Coconut Biscuits Without Butter – Christmas Biscuits . On the other hand, these are still quite energetic foods and moderate consumption is recommended. The caloric intake of coconut biscuits comes mainly from the lipid portion. This is mainly provided by coconut, whatever the specific ingredient used (pulp, flour, oil, etc.). The fatty acid profile is in favor of saturates , therefore it is unsuitable for the diet for hypercholesterolemia . Carbohydrates can play a more or less fundamental role depending on the quantity of sugar (most often icing) or possibly flour (the latter rarely used) used. The importance of proteins , however, depends above all on the presence of eggs or part of them ( albumen ). Cholesterol is only present if butter and/ or egg yolks are added. Fibers are abundant. As regards the saline and vitamin aspect of coconut, noteworthy levels are not appreciated; only an excellent quantity of potassium is observed .